All across Pakistan, Massive Power Outage hits, May take several hours to restore.

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Right now, almost the entire nation is without electricity, mainly because of a 220KV line trip in Balochistan that triggered the country’s large electricity outage.

Right now, every major city, including Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar and more, is without electricity.

According to early reports, the chain response across the national grid was caused by a feeder on the national grid.

Such big break down trips in the national grid multiple feeders, primarily to vaoid any further breakdown due to supply imbalance.

When activated, these feeders are reset in a careful manner which can take several hours.

An immediate statement was released by the government saying:

The voltage and frequency drops immediately when a big plant trips. System-based plants are programmed to automatically open and isolate breakers to avoid damage. They’re going to have to get them back one by one now, and it’s going to take several hours.It is still not clear how long it could take, but it could take several hours from the track record of such nation-wide outages.

Moreover, the full restoration may take more than 12 hours due to nighttime and fog in many areas.