eid ul adha

Read: 4 most important ways to spend Eid ul Azha in the righteous manner.

Every Pakistani should follow these ideas and new ways to make this Eid e Qurban a special one for needy and deserving people...
These Are The 6 Mistakes Muslims Are Most Likely To Make While Offering Namaz

6 Common Mistakes A Muslim Should Not Make While Offering Namaz

Salaah is the second and core pillar of Islam which holds prime importance, as mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah.
Ramadan Diet Chart: Lose Weight Rapidly And Stay In Shape!

Ramadan Diet Schedule for Quick Weight Loss And Bodily Figure

The diet we have in the month of Ramadan is a way of increasing fat and decreasing productivity. You might not see it right now but...
benefits of fasting in the month of ramadan

5 Amazing Benefits Of Fasting In The Month of Ramadan, Which Enshrine Islam’s...

If you’ve ever thought why Muslims observe fasting in the month of Ramadan and 30 days of continuous fasting..So, you’d be surprised to know...
شعبان کی نصف شب کی اہمیت وفضیلت

پندرہ شعبان المعظّم کی رات کی اہمیت اور فضیلت

شعبان المعظّم جو کہ اسلامی سال کا آٹھواں مہینہ ہے جو رحمت ومغفرت اور جہنم سے نجات کے بابرکت مہینے ’’رمضان المبارک‘‘ سے پہلے آتا ہے نہایت ہی۔۔۔
shab e mairaaj importance and facts

What is Shab-E-Meraj? Know the importance and facts of this miraculous night in this...

This historic event that took place in Islam are filled with super natural phenomenons and lots of tales. It signifies the miracles which...
pakistani actress christmas

Beautiful Pictures of Pakistani Celebrities On Christmas Celebration

We're going to see which Pakistani actors celebrating Christmas including major actors such as Mahira Khan, Aiman Khan, Saboor Ali and Sadaf Kanwal..

5 Scientifically Proven Sunnah Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Many scientist have discovered the benefits of Sunnahs after going through many years of researches in the laboratory...
holy kaaba door

Designer of the Beautiful Door of Holy Kaaba Engineer Munir Al-Jundi Passes Away

During the reign of King Khalid Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the engineer Munir Sarri Al-Jundi, who built the doors of the Holy Kaaba, died on Saturday.

Two Hindu Boys From Balochistan Happily Say ‘Shahada’ In Mosque and accepted Islam

The two boys were born and raised in Sibi, the city of Balochistan, happily accepted the religion of peace that is Islam.

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