Faysal Qureshi Son Farman Qureshi 1st Birthday Pictures

Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi
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If we’re talking about Faisal Qureshi’s age in the year 2021, then he’s 47. And even, like young people, they look perfectly fit and handsome. Since they take great care and exercise on a regular basis for their health.

We’re going to tell you an interesting thing here, that despite being 50 years old, Faisal Qureshi is still cast in dramas and movies as a hero. And for more than 25 years, he has almost given away to the Pakistani showbiz industry. And now the number of followers is approaching one and a half million on his Instagram.

Many of you do not know that this is the second marriage between Faisal Qureshi and his wife, Sana Faisal. With his second wife, he has a son and a daughter. The daughter of his first wife, actor and model Hanish Qureshi, on the other hand, lives with her mother. His first daughter is 25 years old.

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Beautiful images of Faisal Qureshi celebrating the first birthday of his son Faarman Qureshi with his daughter and wife are going viral on social media where it can be seen that he has made special arrangements for the birthday of his son. So let’s take a look at some of this family’s stunning images.

Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi

Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi Faisal Qureshi son Farman qureshi