For a very short period of time, Naimal Khawar Khan was part of the media industry. She first appeared in a supporting role in Shoaib Mansoor’s film Verna and then appeared as a second lead heroine in the serial drama Anna. Anna gave Naimal Khawar a sudden boost. People began glorifying this beauty queen.
The popularity of Naimal Khawar Khan was not a win. Her sister Fiza Khawar, who is no less than her sister in looks, also became famous alongside Naimal. Pictures of Fiza’s Nikkah appeared on social media months ago.
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Fiza is now getting married and the family of her sister is in Pakistan to attend the function as well. We’ve seen Mayoun photos of the hand of the bride already.
Here are several videos and photographs of the mayoun that occurred in the house of Abdullah Khan’s groom. Let’s take a look at the Mayoun festivities on the groom’s side.