No More Valentine’s Day? Faisalabad University On Feb 14 to celebrate ‘Sisters’ Day’

Valentine’s Day 14 Feb
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A university in Faisalabad has declared its plans to celebrate ‘Sisters’ Day ‘as an alternative to Valentine’s Day, with February 14 just a few days away. The ‘promotion of Islamic practises’ decision was taken by the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad (UAF).

During the festival, female students on campus may be gifted with scarves and abayas as presents. It was determined by the vice-chancellor and other varsity decision-makers.

Vice-Chancellor Zafar Iqbal Randhawa said, “These scarves will be distributed by the university administration and not by their fellow male students.” He added that the aim was to ensure respect for females.

The University claimed that the move aims to encourage the youth’s Eastern culture and Islamic traditions.

Valentine’s Day 14 Feb

“Women are more motivated in our society. As sisters, mothers, daughters, and wives, they receive their due respect,’ Randhawa said in his statement on the institution’s website.

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“We were forgetting our history, and Western culture was taking root in our society. On February 14, the statement added, the UAF was thinking about a proposal to distribute scarves, shawls, and gowns printed with the UAF insignia among female students.

Rebranded Valentine’s Day as ‘Sisters’ Day’

The University VC believed that it will allow “a soft image to develop” to celebrate Sisters’ Day. In addition, people would know that in Pakistan, this is how much sisters are cherished.

Is there a love between brother and sister that is greater than that? “asked Randhawa. “It is greater than love between husband and wife on Sisters’ Day.”

Valentine’s Day 14 Feb

Valentine’s Day is becoming increasingly popular among the youth of Pakistan. To mark the occasion, many take up the tradition of giving gifts, chocolates, and presents to their sweethearts. The country, however, remains a deeply conservative Muslim society where many disapprove of holidays in society as a Western import.

In Pakistan, it has for years been a topic of controversy. While it is praised and sponsored by others, others argue against it. Campaigns for Anti-Day Valentine’s also appear in the form of banners strung up on streets across the nation and on university campuses.

The university’s move, as predicted, has drawn both flak and praise in the public sphere. As February 14 draws closer, it seems set to attract further publicity.