Sexual Intercourse Pregnancy Tips: Time, Position, Frequency and Techniques

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When your target is to conceive, a couple can do sexual intercourse for more than just any entertainment. You ought to do all the right steps in bed to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

However, no direct methods are introduced to confirm a conceiving process. But, a little variation in the timing and style of your intercourse might increase your chances of success.

What is the appropriate time for love making?

The optimum time to conceive is when your fertility chances in your period cycle is the maximum. A female’s Fertile cycle involves 5 days before to ovulate and including that day.

The 2 day prior to a females ovulation including that day have maximum chance of getting pregnant in near future. Doing sexual intercourse specially in that time frame gives female highest odds to get pregnant.

Meanwhile ovulating, a grown egg escapes the ovary. This grown egg finds its passage to the Fallopian tube in the passage to a female’s uterus.

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In this passage, the sperm cells with in many odds interact with the egg and help it fertilize. he lifespan of sperm is about 5 days. Thus, if a female is trying to get pregnant than your aim should be to contain an alive sperm in her Fallopian tube.

How to calculate your ovulation’s cycle?

1 mean is to calculate our period cycle monthly. You can get a calendar for your period cycle or also take guidance from an app to keep everything on the track.

The time frame of the cycle initiates with the 1st day of our mensuration then completes at the last of the time when your next menstruation takes place.

Locate a middle point of a female’s cycle. Hypothetically speaking, if your cycle consists of twenty eight days then generally your ovulation will start on the fourteenth day.

You can also locate for signs similar to these, this confirms ovulation:

  • Variation in Vaginal discharge- When a female goes through ovulation, her mucus changes into a clear think liquid which is similar to the density of white egg.
  • Increasing basal body temperature (BBT)-  Body temperature increases more than the average temperature after the ovulation. The measurement can be taken by BBT thermometer to measure BBT before getting ready in the day.

IMPORTANT: This will only give explanation regarding ovulation but cannot tell about it with certainty.

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Nevertheless, when a temperature is measured for some cycles, you can get the idea regarding your general ovulation day in the cycle.

Pharmacies also offer ovulation kits on the counter area. These kites consist of tests that locate for any hormonal variation in urine, and can inform about the most optimum time for ovulation.

Best positions for conceiving:

With a no. of sperms 100s and 1000s released from every man’s reproduction organ, any free intercourse in that time frame before or during the cycle of ovulation can become a cause of pregnancy. Considering that a sperm reaches the vagina, a female has a large chance to get pregnant.

However, no specific position is confirmed to increase the chances of pregnancy. Though some specific positions might turn out better than other positions for the likelihood of these swimmers to locate the position of the egg. The male on top and on the behind are the most suitable position for deep penetration- bringing a sperm very close to that of the cervix.

In the women on top position, gravity reduces the chances. Though, standing cannot reduce the chances of pregnancies after sexual intercourse. Sperm cells are ought to be good in swimming. One time when they are entered in the vagina, they approach the cervix in fifteen minutes.

Yet a person should not raise her legs upwards necessarily after the intercourse , also even lie backwards for provide passage for them to get there, it is not painful. The sperms can also be helped to swim in the correct way by placing pillow beneath the backbone.

Frequency to have sex?

It have came in your information that doing intercourse a lot of times may reduce the quality and even quantity of the sperms.

According to a study, a sperm may have a better quality after storing it for two to three days. Research also provides info related to the maximum chance of getting pregnant in couples who have sexual intercourse in one to two days interval.

Making out one time or every other day can also increase the chances of conceiving as the fertile cycle is at its extent.

One should have intercourse more often, however you should not compel yourself into a timetable cause that will generate useless tension. Ideally, the no of counts you feel comfortable to have sex is suitable.

Further Tips

Putting variations in your sexual practices is not necessarily the single mean to increase the chance of conceiving. Following are further tips to do that increases your fertility:

  • Orgasm- For a man, orgasm is a necessary stage to get his spouse pregnant. However, it is not necessary for a female to reach orgasm to conceive, but also the movement of her climax may increase the chance of sperm to get near their final result.
  • Weight controlling- Increase in weight too much or being under weight can also reduce the chances
  • Avoid Smoking- Smoking is a habit that reduces the chances of getting pregnant as it reduces fertility and sperm motility.
  • Limit caffeine. More than 5 times a day, coffee can reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

If a couple is trying for pregnancy but is failing for a long time then it is time to make an appointment to your fertility specialist doctor.During before visiting the doctor? Depending on age limits

  • Females under thirty five should try for a year before making an appointment.
  • Females older than 35 should try for 6 months than make an appointment.

See the doctor if you go through these problems, this could effect pregnancy:

  • Imbalance or no menstruation cycle
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • A past record of miscarriage
  • Hernia Surgery (For the male)

The specialist is suppose to evaluate the health and record of the patient. Medicines, Techniques and even surgery can be suggested to help with fertility.


Free sex is best to get pregnant quickly. But the time frame and frequency might chance your odds of getting pregnant. If you are not conceiving on time, don’t force yourself or put pressure on your spouse and especially your thirty and older individuals.