What To Eat During Menstruation?

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A period or menstruation is known as the normal vaginal bleeding due to a woman’s menstrual cycle. A lot of women experience painful periods, known as dysmenorrhea.

This pain is most often referred to as throbbing menstrual cramps in the lower abdomen of a woman.

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Some dietary changes can help ease your menstrual cramps during this painful time of the month, like adding some of the below foods in your diet.


Cinnamon for menstruation

Cinnamon is full of antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce period cramps. Cinnamon includes manganese, iron, and calcium that make it ideal for blood sugar control and digestion.

Fennel seeds:

fennel seeds for menstruation

Fennel reduces period cramps associated with menstruation and premenstrual syndrome by restoring the balance of female hormones. Being a digestive aid and a natural diuretic, it aids in reducing water retention and bloating.

Apple cider vinegar:

apple cider for menstruation

Apple cider vinegar also aids in reducing PMS symptoms like water retention, bloating, headaches, cramping, fatigue, and irritability.

Flax seeds

flax seeds for menstruation

Flax seeds contain omega three fatty acids found to decrease PMS signs and symptoms, including anxiety, depression, headaches, and breast tenderness.

Ginger-honey tea:

ginger for menstruation

Ginger honey tea is regarded as the best relief for muscle spasms because it reduces tension leading to irritability and anxiety.


banana for menstruation

Bananas are high in vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium and decrease bloating and water retention and relax you.

Whole wheat:

wheat for menstruation

Whole grains are an excellent source of magnesium and help reduce the discomfort related to muscle tension, and contain vitamins B and E that chase away the fatigue and depression.

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spinach for menstruation

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that is also known to be a super food. It should be a regular part of your daily diet. It provides a load of magnesium to meet the body’s daily requirements. A single cup of spinach offers up to 40 percent of your daily value. It not only provides calcium but also decreases the pain related to the menstrual cycle.


hydration for menstruation

Stay hydrated and increases your water intake so that your body stays hydrated. Include high in water consistency foods like watermelon, cucumber, asparagus, and tomatoes, known as natural diuretics made to reduce bloating.


oranges for menstruation

Research shows that ladies who have a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium experience less severe PMS pains and cramps. It is a known fact that Calcium aids in reducing depressive and anxious in the brain. Vitamin D has shown excellent results in regulating the enzyme that converts tryptophan into serotonin.

Do some light exercise:

exercise for menstruation

Light exercises like jogging or dancing, seem to induce endorphins into a female system to reduce the pain and aid in mood swings, including light or even dancing to your favorite tunes.

Some other things to keep in mind

Go easy on salt and sugar intake:

Using a lot of salt before periods aggravates water retention making you feel like bloating. Sugar leads to problems such as hormonal disturbances and loose stools.

Foods rich in B-vitamins:

According to research, eating many foods that include more riboflavin (vitamin B-2) and thiamine (vitamin B-1) don’t have any PMS symptoms.

Eat less but frequently:

Eating smaller portions of meals more frequently keeps your blood sugar levels more stable.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine:

Caffeine and Alcohol increase PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness, cramping, and headaches. So it is best to avoid both.