Eid ul Azha is just around the corner and I have to discuss some main and important suggestions and ideas which everyone must follow this on the auspicious day of Eid -ul-Azha and don’t you think we all should celebrate this Eid in a new style and in a new way in this Naya Pakistan?
And also this Eid is not only all about eating and showing off of animals but we can do something memorable and useful by helping others. Every Pakistani should follow these ideas and new ways to make this Eid e Qurban a special one for needy and deserving people.
Here are some tips to follow through which we can make our Eid special. They are:
1. Cleanliness is the most important factor:

Every person who is willing to do Qurbani must take special care to maintain cleanliness and keep their surroundings neat and clean individually. Instead of waiting for the sweepers and their team, every individual takes cleanliness responsibility so that every people can be saved by this mess.
2. Avoid Show-Off:

Celebrate eid in such a way that it should be the simplest one. Avoid showing off your expensive animals in front of those people who can’t afford to buy an animal and are unable to do Qurbani and it will also hurt their feelings as well.
3. Take Care of your animal:

I have seen many people and especially the kids who are hurting their animals by forcing them to make them run with any vehicle and hurting them by slapping them or by hitting them with sticks and also make them fight with other animals for their so-called fun and entertainment. This must not be done as it hurts them. They can’t say anything from their tongue but they feel this in their hearts. So, it’s the duty and necessity of their masters to protect and take care of their animals.
4. Find the Deserving:

Find the real deserving people for the distribution of meat, who live in a small town or by making camps on the roadside without asking anyone for help. They are the most deserving people. So, go to such places and help those needy and poor people.
So, friends, it’s a call for everyone to do the change you want to see in your own country. So, guys let’s do some of these little gestures and be ready to celebrate this year’s Eid in a most decent and elegant way.
Happy Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak!!