Man Caught Wearing Burqa Without Trousers & Harassing Women In Karachi

According to the police, the person who works as a salesman at a non-public company is married and has two children.

burqa man harrasing
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Karachi Police arrested a person hiding in a burqa but without wearing trousers & keeps on harassing women in Liaquatabad market, Karachi.

According to details & reports, the suspect, he is a resident of Garden town, leave his house fully dressed in burqa. He took burqa from his wife, and on reaching Liaquatabad market, he get off his trousers and left his trouser in his car’s front seat. After that he wore the burqa and went into the market full of crowd.

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Some women within the market complained that he had been harassing them and touching them inappropriately. Shop owners caught him and began beating him up; then, he was handed over to the police.

According to the police, the person who works as a salesman at a personal company is married and has two children.

A case has been filed against him at the Liaquatabad Model police headquarters. The person who was arrested was released from police custody after his pledge appeal that is accepted by Karachi court.