Inspirational Insha Afsar – Pakistan’s Paralympic skier Who Lost Her Leg in Earthquake 2005

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In the age of today where everything is changing in one stroke there are many incidents that happened daily, among which the most disastrous and memorable event in history was the incident of 8 October 2005 earthquake. The incident gives me goosebumps still today whenever I think about it, many people lost their lives and many of them suffered a lot in it  


INSHA AFSAR a name which is the inspiration of many handicapped people. The 17-year-old girl sets an example to the world that disability is not the fact of stop living. If we talk about sports, there are many names which served a lot more in this field, among which INSHA AFSAR sets a unique identity who lost her right leg in disastrous earthquake. She was in school when this tragedy happened to her. But now she is a Paralympic female skier from Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. 

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After the incident, the courageous girl went to US for her prosthesis. The editor of the TIMES magazine while taking her interview offered his place to live and complete her schooling. 

Source: Google

How The Passion Of Skiing Developed:

After then the passion of skiing can be provoked by her friends and now, she is among the best skiers in Pakistan. Afsar competes with more than 40 athletes in US Paralympics Alpine National Championship in 2015. She was the only girl representing Pakistan in 2018 Paralympics, she is now tearing down the giant slalom at Loon mountains. 

The Admirable Personality:

Skiing in the icy mountain Insha believes that her passion for the sports may not only encourage females but males also. According to Insha

I AM an individual THAT LIKES GOING FAST, DOING EVERYTHING FAST, I just like speed.

Personal Background:

a source of inspiration,INSHA AFSAR

In our society it is not easy for a woman to enter in the world of sports, but just for the wish of Insha her family somehow managed and supported their daughter’s decision. Moreover, Asfar said, “I come from a place where it’s not common for a woman to be an athlete.US a place which makes all my dreams to come true. 

Inspiration To Mankind:

The admiring personality of Insha Afsar gives the message of motivation not only for those who are disabled but also for the people whose lives are ruined and they thought that it’s the end. Life and people always teach us many lessons, Insha’s story is one of courageous person who never give up but work hard till the last breath of their life. 

a source of inspiration,INSHA AFSAR
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.