iqrar ul hasan and shahid afridi

اقرارالحسن کا بیٹی نہ ہونے پر شکر ادا کرنا ٹھیک ہے یا پھر شاہد...

چودہ اگست والے دن ٹک ٹاکر عائشہ کے ساتھ مینار پاکستان پر ہونے والے شرمناک واقعے نے پورے پاکستان کو ہلا کر رکھ دیا ہے اور اس...

لاہور میں ایک اور واقعہ، رکشے میں بیٹھی لڑکی ہراساں، اور اس بار بھی...

یوم آزادی کے موقع پر لاہور کے گریٹر اقبال پارک میں پیش آنے والے افسوسناک واقعہ کے بعد چنگچی میں بیٹھی لڑکی سے اوباش نوجوان کی نازیبا حرکت کی ویڈیو سامنے آگئی۔
مینار پاکستان پر خاتون کے ساتھ 400 افراد کی بد تمیزی، دیکھیں اقرارلحسن کا رولا دینے والا پیغام ہماری ویب 18 Aug, 2021

معروف اینکر پرسن اقرارالحسن کا مینار پاکستان پر خاتون کے ساتھ 400 افراد کی...

لاہور میں مینار پاکستان کے "گریٹر اقبال" پارک میں نامور ٹک ٹاکر عائشہ اکرم نامی ایک لڑکی کے ساتھ یہ افسوس ناک واقعہ پیش آیا...
female tiktoker assaulted and harrased by 400 men at minar e pakistan

Pakistani Celebrities Raised Voice Against Inhumane Tragedy happened at Minar-e-Pakistan

Pakistani showbiz celebrities raised their voice on such a heinous and animalistic incident that happened at Minar-e-Pakistan...
Jemima Goldsmith

Backtalk of Jemima Goldsmith on PM Imran Khan Rape Reviews

Jemima Goldsmith called out PM Imran Khan for his views on rape apologists. His reviews were brief but she took to the tweeter and retweeted her old tweet with “And again, sigh”.
mufti Qavi

Leaked Video Of Abdul Qavi Shocks Pakistanis – Goes Viral On Social Media!

Abdul Qavi, a so-called cleric who is constantly involved in controversy, has gotten himself into trouble once more. He may be seen totally naked...
Mufti Aziz-Ur-Rehman abusing

Watch: JUI-F’s Mufti Aziz-Ur-Rehman Abusing and harassing Adult Student In Madrasa Is Exposed In...

Mufti Aziz-Ur-Rehman, a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam JUI-F leader and administrator of a Lahore-based seminary, has been caught red-handed...
gang raped

Karachi college student ‘abducted, gang-raped’ & No-Body is talking about this!

Another horrific case of gang rape came from a first-year female college student who was reportedly kidnapped in Karachi by gang-raped...
couple raping girls

Rawalpindi Couple Guilty of Raping & Recording Minor Girls – Admits 45 Victims’ Ruining...

A man and his wife were found guilty by the Rawalpindi court of raping and recording minors to blackmail them. Qasim Jahangir...

‘He Tore My Clothes In Public’, Helpless Woman Brutally Tortured by Her ‘Behnoi’ Seeks...

A victim of such abuse at the hands of her brother in law pleads for justice in a recent video which has appeared on social media since December.

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